Friday, October 30, 2009

OB post-it

I just love posting Operation Beautiful notes. There is something about it that brightens my day. I always feel better after leaving a note that I hope will make someone else feel better.

And I could really use some 'feel better' in my life right now. Today is my last day of work at the high school, where I've been for a little over a year. On Monday, I start my internship. I am not looking forward to driving to Wausau every day...the miles are going to be a financial hardship to say the least.

But, the first three weeks are in OB/GYN and that is SOOOO exciting for me. I know that I am going to learn a ton and the experience will look great on a resume. I just can't believe that after more than a year of schooling, this ellusive internship has finally arrived.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

today just started out bad

Sometimes, when I'm having a rough day, I just need to try to make someone else feel good.

I am sitting at my desk at work, and I am not having a good day. I am angry that my internship location is not at the clinic I wanted. I am worried about how we are going to be able to afford me driving to Wausau and back every day for the next 6 weeks...without me getting a pay check. I'm exhausted and drained and I still have so much homework to do before Saturday.

I am hoping that I can post some Operation Beautiful love after work and somehow lift my spirits as well. And, I'm going to fun tonight. I need some endorphins!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Things that make me happy #2

I love hummus! Who knew? This stuff is fantastic.
I decided to give it a try after reading some other blogs that just rave on the wonders of this pureed chickpea. I think I have avoided it for so long because I don't like beans. But now I'm starting to like beans and I'm just loving this roasted red pepper hummus. I've only had it as a dip for carrots, but I can definitely see many possiblities for this wonderful condiment. I'm thinking of a wrap with some turkey, hummus, lettuce, tomatoes and strips of peppers. So good!
I guess I'm learning to like all sorts of things. I love trying new foods. This is so exciting!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

weather and my hair

It doesn't seem to matter the mood that I wake up in, if the weather is cold and dreary, I am not going to have a good day. And today is one of those days. It rained all day. The roads were bad, and that is saying something. Usually it has to snow before the roads are bad. But with so much water, my car was getting pulled all over. Then, this afternoon, the white stuff started coming down. I hate snow. I know, I live in Wisconsin and I should be used to it. But snow is horrible. I don't hunt or ski or snowmobile. There is no beneficial purpose for snow in my life. I am always cold. I don't like being wet. Winter in Wisconsin is long and dark and COLD!

But, this year, I am going to do everything possible to get through it with as high of spirits as possible. I have some races scheduled for November and December (Nov. 29th , Dec. 5th and Dec. 12th). It will be freezing, but I'm hoping that I can ride the wave of runner's high for a few days after each one. At least until the giddy anticipation of the next race comes.

The Husband bought some full-spectrum light bulbs and put them in strategic places in our house. These are supposed to mimic natural sunlight and 'trick' the brain into feeling better. It alters the circadian rhythms and suppresses the release of melatonin. I hope it works. If nothing else, my bathroom is really bright and makes applying make up a breeze.

I think that the other thing I could do would be to actually style my hair. I have worn it up every day since June (when we went to the Husband's cousin's wedding in NYC). It is exponentially easier and faster to flip my hair up into a clip in the morning than it would be to take the time to blow dry and flat iron it. I know that it is just laziness on my part. But, maybe if I took the time to do my hair, I would feel a little bit better about myself and that would stave off the winter blahs.

What do you think?


Or Down?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things that make me happy

Ambrosia apples. These are fantastic. Everyone is raving about
Honey Crisp apples, but I have found the most wonderful
apple on the face of the earth. I have only eaten them raw, but I think
they would be a freat apple to use in baking. They are huge and juicy and
really crisp. I usually eat at least one a day, but I think I could probably live
off Ambrosia apples. Seriously.
My are is still so sorry from donating blood yesterday. I tried to tell the
lady that my veins tend to roll, but she thought she knew better. She missed the vein when she entered and ended up probing around for about a full
minute before she was finally able to stick the vein. I have a nasty bruise and
it hurts to fully straighten my arm. I hope that the next time goes better.
It is awful to think that I could have done a better job finding my vein than
she did.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Things can get so crazy and hectic that I find myself without the time to even make a to-do list, much less accomplish anything that would be written on it! The last couple weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking about the future. This really isn't anything new, I tend to be a planner. I like to have a goal in mind and then systematically work toward completing it.

And, I am nearing the completion of one of my goals. I have a mere three weeks of school left. Granted, it is going to be three jam-packed, stressful, exhausting weeks. But after those three weeks, I won't have to do school work every waking minute. I will have to go to my externship; and that is another stress-inducing thought. But, as I get closer to realizing this goal, and putting a chapter of my life behind me, I am searching for new goals.

I don't even know why I'm doing this. I should be looking forward to resting and having some expendable time to enjoy my family. I don't say this because I think that I am a harder worker, or more driven than other people. On the contrary. I think I'm pretty messed up. My body needs to rest. I need to have some down time, but I can't seem to function without being constantly working toward a goal....or six..

So, I'm planning when I'll be able to compete my first 10K and my first half-marathon. I'm planning when I'll get my first job as an MA and what classes I can take in the summer. I have a list of books I want to read and projects I want to complete. Then there are the vacations that need to be saved for and the home improvement plans that need to be sketched out.

Someone really needs to tell me to take a nap.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do you ever feel like the universe is conspiring against you? I have had such a long week. The Husband is still in NY. He was supposed to be flying back this afternoon, getting in to the Milwaukee airport around 1:00 and driving home in time for dinner. I got a message from him that Midwest cancelled his original flight out of NY and put him on another flight that leaves at 2:00! This means that he most certainly will NOT be home in time for dinner. He won't make it to Bible study. He won't be able to pick up the Son from day care and go with us to Awana. He may not even make it home in time to put the Son to bed. How am I going to explain it to the Son? He was so excited when I told him that daddy was coming home from NY today.

And I was all set to go for a nice run after work this afternoon. I set out some warm running clothes before I went to bed last night. I finally bought some running leggings that I can wear under a pair of shorts. So, I set those out with my grey shorts and a long sleeve shirt to wear under a t-shirt. I laid out my sports bra and socks and I even updated my ipod this morning. I was going to come home and change clothes and get outside for about 4 miles. I have been mentally mapping my route in my head since yesterday. I even planned for a little bit of a hill. I was going to run past the cemetary, since it is really the only hill in town. This was going to be my chance to get outside and see if I could handle the cooler weather. has been raining since last night. And, not just sprinkles, either. It has been coming down pretty good. I don't want to sound like a fairweather runner, but I also don't want to put myself in a position to get sick or injured. I'll give my treadmill a go, but I'm really bummed that I can't get outside. I know that I will run further outside. It is always a challenge to get 2 miles in on the treadmill. I just get bored too easily.

I guess the good news of the week, is that I don't have to work on Thursday or Friday. I am going to plan for some outdoor runs on those days. And, I got a good chunk of homework done yesterday, so I feel pretty good about my progress for the week. I'll do some more today and hopefully I won't be too stressed out about what I still need to get done as the week progresses.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

M-m-m-Mango Smirnoff

I really like Mango Smirnoff. In fact, I just finished one. It was wonderful. Unfortunately, it was the last one. I could easily have about 4 more. Saying that it has been a rough week would be putting it mildly. The Husband is in NYC enjoying his 20 year high school reunion. I am thrilled that he was able to attend, but doing the single-parent thing for a week is really exhausting. I would never begrudge him the occasional trip away; he deserves it. But I can't wait for him to get back. I am so tired. I'm trying to balance work and school and the Son and our 5 animals. I think I might be losing my mind. I have only had time to get one short run in. Two and half miles in a week is nowhere near enough. I'm out of Mango Smirnoff! :-(

I guess I'll try to focus on the positive. I successfully completed two venipunctures at school today. It is kinda neat to see my lab partner's blood filling a tube because I managed to hit the vein. Then, I got to do an intramuscular injection. That was pretty cool, too. I have more homework than I want to acknowledge at this point. But....externship is a month away. I hope I can make it without going insane.

I will be going shopping tomorrow after church. And Mango Smirnoff is on the list.