Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This is a picture of a very happy Heather after my run tonight. (Pay no attention to the chaos that is my kitchen counter in the background. I gave up cleaning for running.) I headed out right after dinner (pork chops, corn on the cob and a salad....YUM!) I just started running, determined to keep going for an hour. I don't wear a watch when I run, because I know that I would constantly look at it and get discouraged at how far, or not far, I have run.

On tonight's run, I passed two banks with time displays. The first one was about 35 minutes into the run. The second was about 52 minutes in. As usual, I started to doubt my resolve a couple miles in. I was tired, my thighs were burning and I was convinced that I was the world's slowest runner. I had no idea how far I had gone because I don't map out my runs ahead of time. I always wait until I get home and then I map them.

After I finally got home, the first thing I did was go to the kitchen to check how long I had been gone. One hour and 2 minutes!!! I finally broke the hour barrier. I was so excited. After struggling to put the Son to bed and doing a quick homework assignment, I got to the computer to map my route....5.97 miles! I couldn't believe it. My previous best distance was 4.63. This was more than a mile further. And, less than a quarter mile from a 10K. Life is good. Running is better.

Then, I got to enjoy my favorite part of each day. Dessert with the Husband. I had some banana ice cream with a little bit of peanut butter and some Craisins. Yum.

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