Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy Sunday

Today felt like such a random day.  I worked at the information desk during the early church service, but I did get in to watch all the fantastic stories and videos from the El Salvador trip.  I talked to Betsy and she thinks that the trip will happen again next year (our current pastor is leaving).  I know that Tim and I are going to do everything in our power to be able to go.  I had a banana while working the info desk.

Then, during the second service, I was working in the cafe.

Demarie made the most amazing breakfast cheesecake to be served at the cafe today.

It was all light and crispy and flaky and sugary and cream cheese-y.  It was delicious.
I will admit that I had two pieces.
After church I had a meeting with some new volunteers for the cafe.  I was giving them a quick overview of the responsibilities involved with working.  It can seem like a lot and I hope I didn't overwhelm them.

Then I had to go to work.  I wasn't scheduled until 3:00, but the live in manager called and asked if I could come in early so that she could take one of the residents to the emergency room.  I went right after my meeting and got there about 1:00.

I wasn't horribly hungry after my two breakfast cheesecake pieces, but I spread my 'lunch' out over most of the afternoon.
First, string cheese and a cappuccino

A little later, I had another banana....can you tell it my favorite food???

There was one piece of banana nut bread left, and I just couldn't let it go to waste.

Then I had an apple with peanut butter.

Somehow, the peanut butter didn't make the picture, but you can be sure that there was a lot of it consumed.  :-)
I ended my snacking binge with a couple pieces of chocolate.
The one I had yesterday was so good, that I had to have another.


I am off to put Jaden to bed.  I'm sure that I won't be very far behind him.  I'll probably have some banana ice cream and watch a little TV with Tim. (yes I have ice cream almost every day....don't judge me).  I am planning on getting up early and running 4 miles before work tomorrow.  I am crossing my fingers that I can get out of bed a little before 5:00.

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