Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Three animals have been to the vet.

Penny needed her 2nd Lyme's vaccination and the cat's had to get boosters of their vaccinations.

I had an amazing chiropractor appointment this morning.  I could sing the praises of my chiro forever, and I do tell a TON of people how wonderful she is, but today she outdid herself.  I had some rib issues that were giving me a lot of trouble and she just tap-tap-tapped them back into place, with the advice to ice them.  I typically carry a lot of tension between my shoulder blades and she snapped that right back to normal.  She also did some work on my lumbar spine, my neck, shoulders, knees and ankles.  She really is amazing!

After the chiro, I stopped at the clinic to have my TB skin test read.  No problems there; none were anticipated.

I ran to the grocery store to pick up some essentials...I swear I have been there at least 3 times this week, and it is only Wednesday.

This morning I stopped at the Mennonite store on the way back from the vet.  They have this amazing peanut butter/caramel sauce that I love to put on my ice cream.  While I was there picking up a couple jars, I happened to notice a bag of dried mango slices.  I thought I would give them a try.  I love mango.  I love dried fruit.  It would have to be good, right?  OH MY GOD!!!  They were fantastic.

Multiply this handful by 3 (or 4 or 5) and you will get an idea of how many I had this morning.  They were so good.  I had to put them in the back of the pantry so that I would stop eating them.
Now, I'm off to make some lunch.  I am thinking of having oatmeal, since I kinda skipped breakfast this morning.  I'll study while I eat.

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